American Beekeeping Federation: Protecting and assuring the purity of honey in the market The Federation pays for testing samples suspected of being adulterated with a cheaper sweetener and funds honey purity research.
International nonprofit educational organization founded in 1955 for the promotion of bee culture, education of beekeepers, certification of Master Beekeepers and excellence in bee research. EAS is the largest noncommercial beekeeping organization in the United States and one of the largest in the world.
The Honey Locator, a service provided by the National Honey Board, is a database-driven Web site which allows you to search for honey and honey suppliers in many different ways. Many honey producers, packers and importers have registered themselves for inclusion in the Honey Locator database, along with details about the varieties, forms and quantities of honey they can provide.
National Honey Board, through its staff in Longmont, Colorado, conducts research, advertising and promotion programs to help maintain and expand domestic and foreign markets for honey.
Non-profit, educational, beekeeping organization founded in 1978 for the benefit and enjoyment of all beekeepers in western North America. Membership is encouraged from anywhere in the world. However, the organization is specifically designed to meet the educational needs of beekeepers from the states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming as well as the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, and the Yukon.